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Course Calendar
The calendar below shows the tentative lecture schedule.
This calendar is still under development and might be adjusted.
- Tue February 4, Lecture 01: Course overview, Pebble teardown, PCB schematic best practices
- Thu February 6, Lecture 02: Project introductions with MITOS and City of Cambridge
- Tue February 11, Lecture 03: HW/SW System Design 1
- Thu February 13, Lecture 04: HW/SW System Design 2
- Tue February 18, No class - Mon schedule
- Thu February 20, Lecture 05: Power 1
- Tue February 25, Lecture 06: Power 2
- Thu February 27, Lecture 07: Communiations 1
- Thu March 4, Lecture 08: Packaging
- Tue March 6, Lecture 09: Industrial design
- Tue March 11, Lecture 10: Design for success
- Tue March 13, Lecture 11: Sensors 1
- Thu March 18, Lecture 12: Sensors 2
- Thu March 20, Lecture 13: FSM 1
- Tue April 1, Lecture 14: FSM 2
- Thu April 3, Lecture 15: RTOS
- Tue April 8, Lecture 16: Backend
Project, Lab & Exercise calendar
The overall project calendar is below. Key deliverable dates are shown on that calendar.