6.900 Projects

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What's on this page

This is your landing page for information related to the semester projects with the MIT Office of Sustainability and the City of Cambridge.

Here we have schedule, information on working as a team, requirements & specifications, notes on various aspects of the design, and so on.

Project requirements



To help keep everything straight, the schedule for the projects is on the schedule page.

You can think of the project as broken into roughly 3 phases:

Now until February 26

In the first few weeks you are preparing for the March testing, where the goal is to test subsystems and approaches to get to a system that meets specs by March 20. That means that in February you need to develop specs, a testing plan, and develop the prototypes you'll need to enact that testing plan.

March until March 19

First round of testing, along with revision of the design based on those results. The goal is to get to an alpha prototype by March 20, which basically means a system that meets specs, but doesn't necessarily look good.

March 20 to April 29

In this round, you revise the system and integrate all the parts together, culminating in creation 10 systems that we can deploy to partners on April 29. These should meet spec and work!

April 30 to May 13

Field testing, both remotely and at MIT. You'll have limited ability to revise the HW at this stage, though FW/SW changes may be possible depending on your design.

May 13 are the final presentations!