Review 02

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Second Review

Our next review is during the week of March 17, during your weekly check-in meeting.

The high-level goal for this review is to demonstrate that all the subsystems in your system meet spec.


Your team will have 30 minutes to present the following:

  • Well-developed block diagrams of the HW, FW, and SW.
  • Circuit schematic (and PCB, if ready) for the HW
  • A wireframe or statically coded web front-end
  • Industrial design for the HW node -- what does it look like? How is it protected from the environment? How does it connect to the bus stop pole, or tripod, etc.?
  • A complete specifications sheet
  • For each specification, description of how you achieved that specification (such as a test, or component selection) along with data from tests
    • If any specification is not met, explicitly state it
  • A detailed milestone and deliverables sheet encompassing the period between now and April 25
    • Describe the different tests in detail, what prototypes you'll use to run those tests, how you'll interpret the results, and who is/are responsible
  • Clear details on how the system satisfies each of the project requirements
  • BOM
  • Power budget using measured values
  • Questions that need answering, either from the team, the staff, or the partner.
  • Current team roles as well as subteam divisions

The presentation will be followed by up to 30 min of Q&A and discussion.

Presentation guidelines

  • You can present from a staff computer or your own, from a presentation in your Google Drive folder.
  • Keep to time! We'll be strict. That means, practice practice practice in advance! Find a time to meet with your group and review your content for this presentation.
  • Every team member should present and be involved in the creation of the presentation.
  • Make the slides informative...and professional.