Review 01 presentations

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First Review

It's almost time for our first review and first set of presentations. Your team will present your plan for March testing to the staff during the week of Feb 24 (times to be scheduled with your mentors).

The presentation will be during your weekly meeting, so be sure to coordinate and confirm that time with your mentors.

This is an opportunity to share information between different subteams, for the staff to get a sense of where you're at, and provide feedback. Come prepared with said information so this can be a productive time!


Your team will have 30 minutes to present the following:

  • The current block diagram of the HW, FW, and SW
  • Industrial design for the HW node -- what does it look like and what are ideas for different designs?
  • A wireframe of the web front-end
  • Your current project specifications, including ones not yet set
    • For the specifications that are not set yet, what testing or information do you need in order to determine them?
  • Any results thus far in terms of prototyping & testing
    • Sensor and power subteams should be sure to share any data collected and research conclusions on potential ICs and sensor choices
  • A detailed prototyping & testing plan (including rough projected milestones & deliverables timeline) between now and the next review (March 19/20)
    • Describe the different tests in detail, what prototypes you'll use to run those tests, how you'll interpret the results, and who is/are responsibile
    • If you are not ready to start running a particular test on Mar 1, describe your plan & timeline to prototype and test by Mar 19/20
    • Staff will review these milestones and deliverables on your spreadsheet and help you adjust them as needed
  • A set of questions that need answering, either from the team, the staff, or the partner. These are the known unknowns, and one role of this first round of testing is to figure out these unknowns.
  • Current team roles as well as subteam divisions

The presentation will be followed by up to 30 min of Q&A and discussion. Our goal is to help stress-test your plan so that your next few weeks of prototyping and testing are as fruitful as possible.

Presentation guidelines

  • You'll present from a staff computer, so make sure your presentation is easy to find in your Google Drive folder.
  • Keep to time! We'll be strict. That means, practice practice practice in advance! Find a time to meet with your group and review your content for this presentation.
  • Every team member should present and be involved in the creation of the presentation.
  • Make the slides informative...and professional.