Buck board release

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Buck board files

Your buck converter board files are due to be sent out for fabrication this coming week. It takes us a bit of time to process all the submissions and bundle them into an order. So we need to have a strict due date for pushing the final Gerbers, as listed on the ex04 page. This deadline cannot be extended! If your files are not submitted in time, your board may not end up being fabricated.

We expect to receive boards back on in about a week and will assemble them in lab.

Finalizing your boards

Address any/all comments made during peer review of your layout.

Re-create all the Gerbers. To make everything go a bit smoother, please put all of the Gerber and drill files in a fab_[kerberos/ folder in your repo (where you replace [kerberos] with your kerberos!) and then zip that folder and commit both to Git. This can be done by specifying an output directory at the top of the Plot and Generate Drill Files windows.

This link from JLC will walk you through exporting the Gerber and Drill Files: File Generation

Make sure that you export both your drill files AND your gerber files. Be sure to zip both sets of files before you push to Github. Update and then push your final board files to the repo by the due date.