Teaming survey

The questions below are due on Sunday February 09, 2025; 11:59:00 PM.
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Please fill out this survey to help us form teams for the semester. We will form teams based every student's background and interests.

Select all the classes below that you've taken. Most of them are not pre-reqs, so don't worry if you haven't had them! But knowing your background will help us create balanced teams.

There's a lot to do in these projects, and while everyone will get the opportunity to experience many aspects of the project, there will likely be some specialization that comes in. Here are some of the roles that we anticipate being needed in each project. Please indicate any preferences. No promises that we can honor them, but we'll try. And to be clear, we want to know what you are interested in, even if you don't have background in that area. We'll help you! So tell us what you want to do, not what you have done.

Sensors, analog circuits. You figure out how to sense the important parameters from the environment, and probably lead the development of the project PCBs.

Energy. You figure out how to manage energy across the system, including battery management and recharging.

Firmware. You write the code (in C, C++) for the microcontroller.

Server/cloud. You design and implement the cloud infrastructure for the system.

System integration. You make sure all the parts are working together as a whole.

Test & verification. You take the lead in figuring out how to make sure the system will work and meet all the specs.

Front-end. You integrate the various data sources together into a dashboard that we'll use to visualize.

If you have a strong interest in either of the projects, the MIT Office of Sustainability Campus Weather Monitor, or the City of Cambridge Bike Lane Monitor, let us know. Just remember that we're going to need to form balanced teams, so you might not get your preference!

If you have a project preference, please let us know.

Is there anything else you want us to know about you that might help us create teams?