Lab 7

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Learning Objectives

Today's lab will focus on team work, a team contract, and milestones and demos.

Team contract

We've now been working in teams for about a month, first as two 5ish-person teams, and now as one large team. You've probably found that working in a team is sometimes easy, sometimes not-so-easy, especially when the team doesn't have a set leader (so-called egalitarian teams).

On Tue Apr 9, we'll be joined by an expert from Sloan to help us navigate working in egalitarian teams and managing the conflicts that inevitably arise.

To prepare, this week in lab we'll be filling out a team agreement. Please take a look at the instructions here. Create a Google Doc in your Google Drive folder and fill in, following the instructions.

Milestones and deliverables

After the contract is finished, we'll go over this week's milestones and deliverables.

Then, you'll spend the remaining time developing a schedule for April that culminates in a shippable product by April 29.

Team work and meeting

Use any remaining lab time to do team work.