Sensor board release
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Sensor board files
Your sensor board files are due to be sent out for fabrication on Wednesday March 1, 10am. This deadline cannot be extended!
We expect to receive boards back on Thu Mar 9 and provide them to you on in Lab05.
Finalizing your boards
Address any/all comments made during design review.
Creating your board files
We're going to ask you to generate and inspect the gerbers for your boards, just like you did in EX02/sensorboard_layout. But before we do that, we're going to make a quick tweak to the Altium settings to make your boards look prettier, and Fischer's life a little easier.
Our boards are going to use tented vias, which are just normal vias but with the solder mask covering them. This is best seen with a picture:

And here's a cross section:

We're going to ask Altium to replace it's Very Boring and Uncool vias with these New, Hip, and Dangerously Good Looking vias. Altium's got a good video on that here, just do exactly what's in there and you'll be all set.